New updates and refreshed Stock!
Hello Transfans!! We have recently completed a stock refresh and update of some of the items on our website. We now have an On-Sale and a Coming Soon section!! The On-Sale promotes great deals on items that are on-sale, while our Coming Soon section includes approximate pricing for items coming in the near future, but the pricing is only a placeholder and is subject to change as we get confirmations from our distributors.
We have also extended our no-tax offering until further notice (as along as we can within governmental regulations). As always, your feedback is welcome by emailing us and we will do our best to implement any feedback we receive that we can.
Our next shows are listed on the Upcoming Shows page, but in short, we are scaling down in prep for TFCon at the end of July. We will have a small setup at Hamilton on Canada Day as well.
- Bruticus and Kupo